Thursday, September 30, 2010

Green Tomato Racoons

This afternoon I was working in the kitchen when I heard Sophie barking like crazy in the back yard.  Normally she stops if I holler at her, but not this time.  I went downstairs and looked out the back door...and saw three teenage racoons on top of the back fence.  Two were staring down at Sophie, doubtless thinking about having a little two on one skirmish.  The third was just hanging out behind them.  We have been hearing thumps and bumps in the night in our backyard lately.  Now I think I found the suspects...and they are the usual ones.

1 comment:

  1. Just how do we know these are teenager racoons mom? Were they wearing hoodies and poorly fitting pants? Were they sneaking cigarettes and flashing gang signs? Was one of them breaking out in acne while the other's had severe voice changes???
