Normally I like the whole Fall Back thing. It's a chance to catch up from the seven or so months of trying to make up the missed hour from Spring Ahead.
However, I usually forget to take Sophie into account.
What time IS it, anyway?? |
Sophie doesn't do Daylight Savings Time, or Pacific Daylight Time, or Pacific Standard Time, or Quiet Time, or Any Time except Empty Stomach Time/ Eating Time, Sleeping By The Front Window Time and Playing Outside With Ed and/or Raye Time. SomeTimes she might do Charlie Time or Aaron/Erin Time, and SomeTimes Gracie Time, and at least daily she does Chase the Squirrel Who Is Running Madly Down the Fenceline Time, but mostly she does Staring At Ed and/or Raye Because What Is It With This Extra Hour I Have To Wait For Food? Time.
We have tried most tricks (unsuccessfully): feeding her part of her food on Daylight Savings Time, and part on Her Stomach Time; waiting for the Real Time to get here (worst plan!); Ignoring Her (like ignoring the elephant in the room); telling her that her staring isn't going to work; giving in to her get the picture.
So, since we are not cruel Dog Owners...oh, sorry, I mean, we are not cruel Doggie Companions...I am going right now, on Some Sort of Time, to feed Sophie the Pacific Daylight Time portion of her breakfast.
I'll be back at Pacific Standard Time to do a repeat.
I love it! Hopkins just comes and sits on your head if you don't get up in time to feed him. :) But then again, he's mad at me because I put him on a diet