Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Memories...One Day Later

What a nice weekend...Ed and I spent it together, just doing this and that.  Changed car oil, hung up the flag that is so torn because it never came down the whole while Alison was deployed to Iraq (we need a new one!), cleaned out gardens (between rain bursts), used the BBQ, went to church, went for a 75 mile motorcycle ride (hello, hot tub!), took Sophie for a walk/run, had AECG over for Memorial Day Brunch (We like this! Maybe a new tradition), got a new bird feeder, listened to M's games (winning streak-o-rama!! Who are these guys!?), napped (Grace and Grandpa), played the keyboard (Charlie), played Kray Cro (see pix below),  and enjoyed visiting each other.  Also talked with our own personal veteran, Alison.  (Love you!!)

We miss those of you we couldn't visit with.  And thank you, US soldiers, for what you have done and do for this country.

Official Memorial Day visit from our state bird...
American Goldfinch (along with a Pine Siskin)

I got Charlie a little cement mixer truck, and he said he wanted to write me a thank you card.  He did that, then drew me a picture of the band he and his parents and Grace had heard the night before...although he renamed his band the Bender Band.  In case you need some interpretation: Left to Right - keyboard player, with stool ("those things they sit on") behind him; drummer, with stool behind him; guitar player, with no stool because, of course, they stand up to play!  When Charlie was putting the hair on the heads of the band members, Ed asked if those were hats.  NO! It's hair!  Then we realized that we are of the age group which mostly watches bands with players who are bald.  :) And, to interpret the abstract quality of this piece, the arms are the outer lines, the legs are the inner lines, they have no bodies.  Who needs bodies to play an instrument?
(I am especially in love with the drummer...in his MC Hammer pants.)

A little down time with Grandpa and Gracie

In memory of CS Lewis...a snacking Dufflepud.
(Voyage of the Dawn Treader - read the book, SKIP the new movie!  Ick.)

It's...it's...it's Baby Gap!

Oh my goodness...this is the coolest thing I have ever seen!

And I WANT IT RIGHT NOW!!!  (She's yelling at Charlie...she's good at it. :)

Charlie: "And then you need to give the hammers a rest, because every time you hit the ball, the air goes out of them...then they have a rest and get more air.  But if they are just still, the air stays in.  Only when you hit the ball, it goes out."  Ed: "Whaaa???"

Kisses for Standing Girl

Getting ready for Cro Kray...um, Kray Cro...um, Cro Kay??

Hitting the stick

Happy Memorial Day!  We love you.


  1. Hydraulic croquet mallets, man, I haven't met many people who know about them. =)

    Love the pictures. The bird is so pretty.

  2. What a nice day for you guys. It was nice to talk to you (twice!) yesterday. Love you guys!
