Sunday, February 20, 2011

34 Years Ago Yesterday

A couple of nights ago I asked Ed if he remembered what he was doing 34 years ago that evening.  He said he remembers he was really I reminded him that he was getting his hair cut late at night by his fiancee who wouldn't be his fiancee in about 16 more hours.  I don't recommend cutting your fiance's hair the night before the day of your wedding.

Ed and I are the senior members of our little small group (which we call Tribes in our church).  The other day we were mentioning that this Saturday, the 19th, was our 34th anniversary.  Ed stopped right in the telling and looked at me and said, loudly, "Raye!  That is a third of a century!"  Since we have been married longer than anyone else in our Tribe has even been alive on this earth, it made quite an impact.

And here is the haircut from 34 years ago yesterday...
At least he had some hair left.
We had a wonderful anniversary day together yesterday, and are glad we married each other, haircuts and all.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you had a good anniversary! And everyone is beautiful on their wedding day, no matter what the hairstyle :)
