Thursday, May 19, 2011

Good Day, Sunshine!

This has been a lovely week of sunshine and warmth...warm enough to wear just a t-shirt and jeans outside.  Since it has been so lovely, here's what we have been up to...

The first lovely day, I did all this...then took a bath and crashed into bed!
I set up my fountain in the front took me AGES to find the tiny connector part for the hose...which led to...

...going down to tear the shed apart looking for the connector, seeing the compost bin and realizing I needed to turn the compost...see the nice stuff in the red bucket?...which led to...

...finding and hanging up my main garden tools (and making sure my baby Meyer Lemon tree is in the warm sunshine)...which led to...

...taking a very small break and making sure the back covered deck, our Parthenon, was ready for the big BBQ for Ed's work group on Thursday( today!)...which led to...

A cleaned out and organized shed...finally...

...and getting the umbrella and BBQ ready for the day.  Whew!
The second lovely day...yesterday... I did this, and then crashed into bed.
...Was visited by the Cutest Girl In The World...

...who read me a story, quite loudly and with hand motions...

...Still reading...and wondering whether she should stand up on her own...which she did one time, but I didn't have the camera ready...

...Then we ventured outside in the front yard, to get some sun...and Grace is NOT a fan of the hat.  We had a little contest of the wills, and even though these pictures say otherwise, I won, and she kept the hat on most of the time...

...I really do NOT want to wear the hat...I need some time to think about it...Oh, okay then!  Have it your way, Grandma.
And I did.
Two good days...with sunshine!
Enjoy the warmth...I hope you have some good day, sunshine, too.


  1. What a beautiful grandbaby you have there Mama, and the sun is gorgeous. Although, I do have to admit that I see my fair share of it. :) The yard/deck is lookin' good. Have a great bbq!

  2. Well, I could post pictures of what our days look like but you would be used to that. I checked our 10 day forecast and seriously there was only 1 day without rain in it and it was partly cloudy with 60% chance! I will trade you back for the sunshine! haha. Glad you got such nice days. and Adorable Gracie, well, enough said.
